“Emma Watson Graduates with Undercover Protection: A Sneak Peek into her Brown University Journey”

Protection: Emma Watson (centre) was accompanied by an undercover armed police guard (left) as she graduated from Brown University on Sunday

Security was tight as Emma Watson celebrated her graduation from Brown University on Sunday. The actress was flanked by an armed police guard, keeping a watchful eye on the proceedings.

Extra security: The policewoman (left) wore a pink shirt and blue jeans, which her police badge was attached to, but she later blended in with the graduates by changing into a traditional cap and gown

Additional protection was provided by the policewoman on the left, who initially donned a pink shirt and blue jeans with her police badge visible. However, she discreetly switched into a classic cap and gown to inconspicuously join the graduating class.

Looking on: The guard sat to Emma's right during the ceremony, while the star's mother Jacqueline Luesby sat to her left

Observing the scene, Emma had the guard seated on her right side at the ceremony, while her mother Jacqueline Luesby took the seat on her left.

Undercover: The policewoman looked just like a normal graduate in the traditional cap and gown

Disguised: The female officer appeared no different from an average university graduate in her classic cap and gown ensemble.

Proud: Emma's mother looked to be thoroughly enjoying the ceremony in Rhode Island

Delighted: Emma’s mother seemed to be having a great time at the event in Rhode Island.

Graduation day: The guard kept a watchful eye on Emma's whereabouts as they strolled around the educational facility

On the day of graduation, the security guard closely monitored Emma’s movement as they explored the campus.

Here she comes: The British actress, best known as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter movies, was among the 2,000 graduates receiving degrees from Brown University on Sunday

Look who’s here: The English actress, famous for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, was part of the 2,000 students who graduated from Brown University over the weekend.

All smiles: Emma wore a slick of pillar box lipstick for the day which accentuated her beaming smile

Emma sported a bright shade of pillar box lipstick, enhancing her radiant smile throughout the day.

Star appeal: The star enjoyed a laugh and a joke with her fellow graduates during the ceremony

Shining Bright: The celebrity shared a smile and some laughs with her classmates at the graduation event.

Special day: The actress graduated from Brown University in Rhode Island on Sunday

Celebratory occasion: The actress received her degree from Brown University in Rhode Island over the weekend.

Long time coming:  The 24-year-old started at Brown in 2009, the same year she was named the highest-grossing actress of the decade by the Guinness Book of World Records

Long time coming:  The 24-year-old started at Brown in 2009, the same year she was named the highest-grossing actress of the decade by the Guinness Book of World Records

It’s been a while in the making: Back in 2009, this 24-year-old began her journey at Brown University, the same year she was recognized as the top-earning actress of the decade by the Guinness Book of World Records.

What now? Emma will continue building on her flourishing film career having graduated from Brown University

What’s next for Emma? After earning her degree from Brown University, she is set to further develop her successful film career.

Non-stop: Watson had a busy film career during her time as a student, releasing both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent Biblical epic Noah

Watson had a busy film career during her time as a student, releasing both parts of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent Biblical epic Noah

While she was a student, Watson had a thriving acting career, starring in popular films such as both installments of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, This is the End, and the recent epic Noah based on the Biblical story.

Clever girl: Emma graduated with a bachelor's degree in English literature from the Ivy League university in Rhode Island

Smart gal: Emma successfully completed her studies and earned a bachelor’s degree in English literature from a prestigious Ivy League institution located in Rhode Island.

My moment: Emma joined her peers at the graduation in Rhode Island on Sunday

My moment: Emma joined her peers at the graduation in Rhode Island on Sunday

Personal experience: Emma celebrated her graduation with friends in Rhode Island last weekend.

Brunette locks: When Emma wasn't wearing her cap, the star's tresses had a mind of their own

Brown hair: Emma’s hair had a mind of its own when she wasn’t sporting her cap.

Home soil: Emma spent part of her degree studying in her native Britain at Oxford University

Emma completed a portion of her academic program on her home turf, studying at Oxford University in the UK.

Big day: Watson, accustomed to treading red carpets, will today be one of 2,000 students walking across the podium to receive her degree in English literature from Brown

Exciting day ahead: Watson, no stranger to walking prestigious red carpets, will soon join a crowd of 2,000 students as she receives her hard-earned English literature degree from Brown University.

Happy day: Emma Watson flashes a million-dollar smile the moment she officially graduates from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island

Happy day: Emma Watson flashes a million-dollar smile the moment she officially graduates from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island

Emma Watson proudly shows off her million-dollar smile as she graduates from Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, celebrating a momentous day.

Actress: This March 26, 2014 file photo shows actress Emma Watson at the premiere of 'Noah,' in New York

Hollywood Star: This photograph, dated March 26, 2014, features the talented actress Emma Watson attending the premiere of ‘Noah’ in New York City.

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